Controls integrated into one system, with customized programming specific to the unique needs of facility, can reap the following benefits:
- Single User Interface
¨ No more visiting multiple computer systems
- Energy Savings
¨ Controls programming that conditions air volume that meets the needs of the space
¨ Free cooling when outside temperature and humidity permits
¨ Quicker reaction to shifts in system performance
- Lower Labor Costs
¨ Streamlined operations
¨ No need to learn and manage multiple systems
- Improved Response Time
¨ Real-time alerts and timely correction
¨ Mobile monitoring and access
¨ Remote diagnostics
- Data Collection
¨ Single point of collection
¨ Facilitates better decision making
- Compatible Software and Devices
¨ Based on Tridium “open” system
¨ Flexibility in vendor and manufacturer choice
¨ Scalable for future upgrade or expansion
- Multiple Sites
¨ Can include multiple buildings or multiple sites